In our family, Birthday Parties went away at about age 8. Instead we have spent the past few years going out to nice dinners and shows or activities. This year is different. This year kiddo will be a (GASP!!!!!!) teenager. Yup, lucky number 13 has arrived my friends. And in honor of this (still gasping!) milestone year, we agreed to a party. Heck, we even said she could invite as many people as she wanted. She came up with a whopping 8. (whew!!)
Step one to any good party - the invitation. Our theme is the Mad Hatter's tea party - but more Johnny Depp and less Disney. I wanted to come up with a fabulous invite, and I think I did pretty well.....
These have screw on bottoms |
She liked the vintage feel of these. |
First we got these at our local Hobby Lobby. She liked that they were all different (mom liked that they weren't expensive).
The Burlap has a paper backing |
Jewelry Boxes were the perfect size. |
After cutting the burlap in to strips that were small enough to fit in the boxes, I wrote out the invite information on the paper backing.
I tried to keep the language in theme. |
Rolling up the burlap was pretty easy and it gave me enough space to write all the information and still fit in the box.
The "high tech" tool (rubber band) kept it rolled while I tied my fabulous little twine around it to keep it from unraveling in the box. Now it's time for assembly. Remember those cute little trinkets from the first photo? Well.......
Turns out, they look just like little door knobs. Don't forget those keys either.....
Ready to Deliver! |
This key was one of the bigger ones. I like the smaller ones better, but all in all I think these were some great little invites. She was most pleased that they didn't look like the whimsy ones that she saw on the net while browsing. She wanted something more Victorian. I also think these would be great, maybe without the key, for a Monsters Inc party.
Ready to Deliver! |
As a side note, the two that I did have to mail, I used a padded envelope just in case. It cost me $1.10 to mail each of them.
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